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Subject:  Full size Lego replica of Doctor Who's TARDIS to materialise at Bondi Beach

06/11/2015 01:32 GMT

Full size LEGO replica of Doctor Who's Legendary TARDIS to materialise at Bondi Beach

Spokesperson Rob Lloyd available for interviews

Sydney, Friday 6th November: To celebrate the upcoming Doctor Who Festival in Sydney a full-size LEGO replica of the Doctor's time travelling TARDIS will materialise on the grass behind South Bondi Beach on Tuesday 10th November.
Fans and media will be invited to take pictures of the LEGO TARDIS and comedian Rob Lloyd, who will be hosting the Science of Doctor Who at the festival, will be on hand for media interviews.
The LEGO TARDIS will then travel to the Zing Pop Culture Store in Macquarie Park where it will be on display from the 10th-18th November. During this time there will be several social competitions held, with support from Warner Interactive Entertainment, where fans will be offered the chance to win tickets to the Doctor Who Festival.
Media Photocall Tuesday 10th November
8am to 10am
Grass behind South Bondi Beach (Bondi Park)

Last modified: 06/11/2015 01:41 GMT by Martin

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Subject:  Re: Full size Lego replica of Doctor Who's TARDIS to materialise at Bondi Beach

09/11/2015 03:16 GMT

AMENDMENT Media Alert: LEGO TARDIS to Materialise at Bondi Beach

Due to construction work, the LEGO ® TARDIS will now materialise in front of Bondi Surf Pavilion - Queen Elizabeth Drive, Bondi Beach.


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