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Subject:  Colin Baker likes Farscape

07/08/2006 00:11 GMT

I found a website recently, www.drwho-online.co.uk , where there are some forums. In one of the forums you can ask actors from the series questions. One of the actors if none other than the BEST Doctor Who ever Colin Baker.

This is my question and his reply

"Dear Mr. Baker,

Firstly I would like to say you are my favourite Doctor. Your characterisation was ahead of its time and something I have grown to appreciate more as time goes by.

I am new to this forum, so please forgive me if this question has already been asked.

If you had a choice of appearing in any SCI-FI Series (apart from Dr Who) which would it be? and what part would you play? (i.e. Star Trek The Next Generation, Captain Jean-Luc Picard)

Thank you for your time Mr Baker.

Kindest Regards

Ben Seidel - AUSTRALIA "

Mr Baker's Reply

"Hello Bob

Thanks for the kind comments.

What a good question - I would possibly like to be in Farscape a programme I rather enjoyed - and I would enjoy appearing with Gigi Edgley - who I thought was rather good as well as being rather lovely.

Or, yes - the new Captain of the Enterprise would be quite fun too.

All the best

Colin Baker"


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Subject:  Re: Colin Baker likes Farscape

07/08/2006 03:57 GMT

That's awesome mate. Well done.  He seems to have replied pretty quickly too which is great.


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Subject:  Re: Colin Baker likes Farscape

07/08/2006 09:28 GMT

Now I will have to buy the whole series of Farscape on DVD because Colin Baker likes it heheheheh

Sneb - The Supreme Colin Baker Fan



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Subject:  Re: Colin Baker likes Farscape

10/08/2006 14:55 GMT

Colin Baker's a top bloke.

I met him at 'Inside the TARDIS' and he is warm and amusing, and genuinely eccentric. You should have seen the red sneakers that he was wearing which he had bought from Oslo!!!!

I told him that I was disappointed at how the BBC had treated him during 'The Reign of Turner' and he thanked me.

> I think he really was genuinely pissed off at how he was handled during his time as The Doctor.


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Subject:  Re: Colin Baker likes Farscape

11/08/2006 07:23 GMT

Something which hasn't been that apparent is that getting sacked is the standard way for actors to leave the role. It's telling that Colin's the one who went public.


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Subject:  Re: Colin Baker likes Farscape

11/08/2006 07:56 GMT

During his era, there were glimpses of how good Baker could have been in the role.  If only JNT and Eric Saward had stopped bickering for long enough to actually focus on some good stories, then Baker may have had a chance.

I find it telling that Saward was featured on the audio commentary for the Revelation of the Daleks dvd, and yet Colin Baker didnt appear on it - the only time he hasnt appeared on a dvd for his era......


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Subject:  Re: Colin Baker likes Farscape

12/08/2006 00:51 GMT

Having read these comments has made me re-consider my attitude to Colin Baker.

I admit I stopped being interested in Dr Who when Peter Davidson accepted the mantle and being reassured of my decision when it fell to Baker (and lets face it,..it really did fall.) As I`ve observed, Sly McCoy looked like he could have been an interesting Doctor in the movie but in the series he really stood no chance,especially with his companion whom, I must confess, I have secretly been attracted to for all these years (Bonnie Langford).

So obviously there is a great reliance on,......... story,script,direction and production.

But,...and here is maybe why the 4th Doctor was voted favourite,.....Tom Baker still excelled despite (or perhaps because of) the dodgy effects,dodgy production and all of the above.

  Okay, many factors come into play but still, on balance, Colin Bakers` portrayal of the Doctor was the least believable,attractive,watchable,identifiable,......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................    fill in the gaps yourself, I`m sure there are many descriptions I would omit.


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Subject:  Re: Colin Baker likes Farscape

12/08/2006 01:01 GMT

By the way, did I mention that Farscape is one of the least watchable series on T.V.?

It`s shallow, derivative and totally misses the point. 

It takes itself too seriously whilst trying desperately  to drag, kicking and screaming ( though not screaming with laughter it should be noted ) humour onboard.

I`m sorry. Somehow this feels as though it`s connected with Colin Bakers` Doctor Who.

    Anyway, I`m resigned to being attacked for this view and so I will probably resign my membership.


    I`m sorry Dave,....Honestly, I am. I will do better next time Dave,......Daisy, Daisy, give me your answerrrrrrrrr        doooooooooooo.....................


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Subject:  Re: Colin Baker likes Farscape

12/08/2006 07:38 GMT

AHHHH!! So much I would like to say, but so little time.

Let me summarise my thoughts.

Colin Baker is a gentleman, he has the same charm as Tom Baker, but he seems to actually remember his time on the show and genuinely enjoyed playing the Doctor and enjoys interacting with fans. He is the FANS Doctor Who and a magnificent actor, whose time was cut sort by the incompetence of the great SATAN JNT & SAWARD.


I haven't watched Farscape so I can't comment, but I would enjoy seeing in on the advice of Mr Baker

Sounds like we need to sit you down Terry for a Marathon Trial of a Timelord viewing. There we see some true glimpses of Colin's Mastery when Robert Holmes is the writer

We never attack people in this forum for their views. We only reason with them heheheh


Posts: 239

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Subject:  Re: Colin Baker likes Farscape

12/08/2006 22:29 GMT

Whilst you have me sat, would i perchance be roped to a chair in some dank basement where the only light was the halogen headlamp focused on my eyes?

    Or would it be in an hotel room with a cage strapped to my head whilst on the door to the hotel room there is a sign dangling from the door handle which says "Do Not Disturb", under the the number 101?

    Let me save you the time and the expense;...Yes!

I can see a fifth light, Gul.


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