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 WWW  Male
Subject:  Ringtones

23/03/2012 02:04 GMT

Just to throw some life back into this aging forum, I'm considering changing the ringtone on my phone to something else but before I do, it would be nice to see what other people have as their ringtones to get some idea of what people think is "cool".

The Cannon Fodder Theme (War was never so much fun).

My my SMS tone is the classic line from Monty Python and the Hold Grail (Twang sound)" Message for you sir!".

I do have a couple of personal ones for people as well, including

Jonathan Coulton's "Code Monkey"
The Muppet Show theme
Amourdeus from "He's Not the Messiah!"
Women in Uniform by Skyhooks
And the old faithful, "Oh Yeah" by Yello

What do other people have?  Don't be shy.

Never settle with words when a flamethrower is so much more fun ...

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Subject:  Re: Ringtones

04/04/2012 03:00 GMT

Yakety Sax (Benny Hill used it as his chase theme) is my general ring tone as it is only a minute long, loud and attracts my attention easier with my old ears.
My SMS tone I use Barracuda by Heart.


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Subject:  Re: Ringtones

21/04/2012 08:33 GMT

I've been a bad girl and away too long
I just got myself a new iPhone but it comes with limited tones. I have downloaded a fairly average dr who theme ring tone and have a robin hood style fanfare for message tone. Prior to this I had the big bang theory song for general and several personal ones for specific folks.

I laugh in the face of danger, then hide til it goes away. ~Xander

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