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Subject:  Astronomical Society of South Australia 14/1/2011

14/01/2011 17:15 GMT

Read Nick Lomb's column in The Australian and was reminded that tonight would be the first Astronomical Society of South Australia viewings at The Heights High School. Even though it was almost an hour after the given start, we drove out to the school, then looked for a lot of cars. Parking in the dark, we followed disembodied voices into the mysterious field, until we saw people with glow sticks walking back towards us. It was really scary and haunted and then we went into the scary transportable room and the totally spooky observatory dome. After The Moon's terminator we looked at Jupiter, but the planet was too close to the horizon for us to get a good view.

There were two loud bangs outside, then rockets flew overhead, one exploding so close to the gap in the dome that I felt hot debris fall. The guy driving the telescope was annoyed. Then an engineer had a look at the groaning motor, and made angry noises and the  about people setting off fireworks We left, disappointed to find the guys who show up with their own telescopes had also gone, or been blown up by the explosions or even drifted away on the wind as ectoplasm.

So good but very spooky.

Last modified: 14/01/2011 17:20 GMT by Martin

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