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Subject:  The Class : New Doctor Who Spin off series.

08/04/2016 08:17 GMT

Doctor Who ‘young adult’ spin-off series Class is heading to BBC Three
Doctor Who teen spin-off Class heading to BBC Three
Doctor Who’s latest spin-off series will head to the classroom

Doctor Who fans are about to bag themselves yet another spin-off series – and this one’s aimed at a young adult audience.

Class, which will air on BBC Three next year, is an eight-part series penned by Patrick Ness – author of the acclaimed childrens’ fantasy novel A Monster Calls.

And the setting might be a tad familiar to fans, given that it takes place in Coal Hill Secondary School in Shoreditch, London.

In case you’ve forgotten that’s where Jenna Coleman’s character Clara Oswald worked as an English teacher – although there’s no suggestion that the character will feature in the spin-off.

The school itself has a long history of involvement with Doctor Who, as former companions Barbara Wright and Ian Chesterton also worked there before discovering the Tardis in the series’ pilot episode An Unearthly Child.
Actress Jenna Coleman, who plays Clara Oswald in Doctor Who, next to the TARDIS at Cineworld in Cardiff, where episodes for the new Dr Who series are being screened.
Jenna Coleman’s character Clara previously taught at Coal Hill secondary school where the series takes place

This time around though it’s the students who are in the spotlight, as they attempt to fend off intergalactic threats between lessons.

‘No-one has documented the dark and exhilarating world of the teenager like Patrick Ness, and now we’re bringing his brilliant story-telling into Doctor Who,’ showrunner Stephen Moffat said.

‘This is growing up in modern Britain – but with monsters!’

Meanwhile Ness said he was ‘thrilled and astounded’ to be a part of the Doctor Who universe.

‘I can’t wait for people to meet the heroes of Class, to meet the all-new villains and aliens, to remember that the horrors of the darkest corners of existence are just about on par with having to pass your A-levels.’


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