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Subject:  ABC News opening credits montage, 60th anniversary

24/11/2023 04:28 GMT

News Breakfast, ABC-TV at ~8.57am, 23 November 2023.

Michael Rowland and Lisa Miller were joined by Bridget Brennan, Tony Armstrong and Nat Byrne.

(Nat gives weather, all five on couch.)

Lisa: I bet you're a Dr Who fan.
Michael: He's a massive Dr Who fan!
Bridget: Naturally.
Nat: My childhood, getting up at two o'clock in the morning.
Lisa: We know it's the 60th anniversary of Dr Who!
Bridget: Oh, wow! 60!
Nat:: Please, please tell me you've got a bit of theme music!
Michael: Here we go!
(Various other noises untranscribable.)

(Edited version of original theme, montage of first, second, third/Pertwee, fifth/Tom Baker, seventh/Davidson, eighth/Colin Baker, ninth/McCoy, TV movie, eleventh/Tennant twelfth/Smith and end of Whittaker credits.)

Apparent numbering disparity due to Pertwee having colour feedback-based credits for series seven to ten, then the tunnel for series eleven, a modified version of the tunnel for Tom Baker for series 12 to 17 and then a star field logo credit sequence for series 18, modified for Peter Davison; giving the two 1970s Doctors two different credits. The other Doctor with two was Troughton where they continued to use the Hartnell opening until The Moonbase, as revealed in tele-snaps of The Macra Terror.

Two logos onscreen, ABC TV and NEWS, plus onscreen timestamp gives 07:57 but was broadcast in Adelaide one hour later by my reckoning; two different headlines at bottom of screen, "WA Fires: Emergency warning & Watch and Act for City of Wanneroo & City of Swan" on red background, and "Hamas to free 50 of the roughly 240 hostages over a 4-day period under the deal" on black background. Adding ~:14 seconds of hosts gives precisely 1:00 of content.


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