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Subject:  Quality of new dr who scripts

24/02/2012 04:49 GMT

Why can't Moffat write Dr Who scripts to the quality of the ones he writes for on Sherlock and jekkyl?
if they were written as well as them the show would be EVEn more popular and loved as well acclaimed.

That is my 1 cent worth.


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Subject:  Re: Quality of new dr who scripts

26/02/2012 08:38 GMT

Short answer: he's a better freelancer than show runner.

Long answer: he's great at both, just he's repeated the same tricks in Who that many more times.

Remember he won the Hugo for Best Dramatic Presentation (Short Form) thee years running. His contributions to Doctor Who have not been below that of Jekyll and Sherlock, for which he's written six and two scripts respectivly (counting transmitted only); twenty episodes of Doctor Who make his achievements seem ordinary.

You can learn a lot about Moffatt's skills from watching Press Gang. Initially he struggled towards the format which he's gone on to use, but by the end he was so good at it that even repeating the same plot profile every episode he still managed to surprise and entertain.

And the best thing he's written was Murder Most Horrid: Overkill. Why can't Sherlock and Jekyll be as good as that?

Last modified: 26/02/2012 08:39 GMT by Martin

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